Sunday, November 4, 2012

Lifes Ups Downs

Thought it was time I did a update.
So much has happen sense my last post.
I haven't been up to posting or getting on to Facebook much lately.
T's son & his wife just gave us a new grand-daughter on Sept. 26 and her name is Raven.
So that makes 4 grand- sons and 5 grand- daughters for us now.
 The son that just had the baby has been in and out the hospital with pneumonia. He said he seems to be doing better now.

Then my son lost his real dad on Oct 13 and has had a hard time with it. 
His dad didn't leave a Will that they could find or know of.
 So he is trying to take care of everything now for his 1/2 sisters and himself. 

Things are ok on the farm but our regaler work hasn't been doing very well.
So I haven't been able to decide if I'm up or down most days.

I've also had to start sending some of my chickens to freezer camp. 
 I can't afford to feed them all now that money is so tight for us, and prices for feed have got up so much more.
I really hate butchering day, I end up with a very down afterwards.
But know it has to be done, and that later they will be a few meals to feed us.
Right now I'm doing the roosters and 5 very mean hens who are just crazy.
 I have 2 hens that will be here until they are gone from old age. 
Lucky & Sunny are good brood hens and once they go broody for a week or 2,
 I can put new chicks under them come spring time and they will raise them.
They are so sweet and my special girls.

 Well I guess this is it for my update. 
Thank you for stopping in for a little visit with us.


  1. Raven is a beautiful name. I saw a pic of her on FB and she is as pretty as her name :) I'm really sorry that TJ lost his father. I know this has been a very difficult time for him. He remains in my prayers. It's sad to have to scale back on your hens, but I guess it really does make sense to take the numbers down now, when they aren't usually very productive. Hopefully you'll get new pullets from your broodies next year that will be good first year layers to get you through next winter. I'm hoping the pullets mine hatched out this year will be laying soon. So aggravating to have a yard full of chickens and only get 1 egg a day. Most of my older ones are in full molt now, so I'm trying to be patient. I've got 4 teenage roos that really need to be put in the freezer - I'm with you that Freezer Camp day is a total bummer :( Love you.

  2. Thank you Penny, One of my hardest part about freezer day is I do it by myself and can only do 4 to 5 in that day before it really gets to me. and then my arms hurt so bad the next day I have to wait until the next weekend to do more. I would rather do them all at once and get it over with. I was lucky a friend wanted chickens and 5 of mine found a good home and are well care for and I can see them any time I want.
    Love ya too.


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