Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Wordless Wennesday


  1. Great pictures Charlotte! I love the foggy one, and Bob-O with the monkey on his back!

  2. Great pictures! I really like the foggy one too. And the pic of the kitty sure does show her pretty markings! Bobo is cute as always :)

  3. Thank you all for the lovely comments they mean a lot to me.
    Kim, I just had to put his new toy on him to see what he would think of it while he was waiting on a piece of cheese for T.It took him a few minutes to even notice it was there.
    Staci, she is a sweet kitten and it didn't take her long to make her self right at home.
    Penny, It took me 4 try's to get one of the fog that I could see good, I'm getting better. lol Bob'O' said to tell you he love's his Aunt Penny & kisses.
    Cristy, Thank you I have been doing better at getting nicer photos, I still have to take lots to get a few good ones I can use.


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